GooGooさんに、歌詞の英訳をしていただきました。まことにありがとうございました! m(__)m
Nekodoko (Where's the cat? )
Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake Where's the cat?
Horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar Where's the cat?
They searched and searched, but there is no cat.
It was a long long time ago,
All were gathered
The cat, only the cat did not show.
Did she forget? Or was she in her dreams?
Don’t remember, meow
Can’t recall, meow
But if that’s done and over, what am I to do?
Though it is done and over,
There would be a second chance?
The cat called on everybody
The cat, only the cat showed this time.
Did they forget? Or are they in their dreams?
Don’t know, meow.
Can't help it, meow.
But if it’s done and over, what am I to do?
| 固定リンク
- ねこどこ、20000再生、ありがとうございました(2018.03.27)
- 猫的先進国 C5>>>>G20(2011.01.12)
- 「ねこどこ」を優酷網にアップしました(2010.02.27)
- 「ねこどこ」をネットラジオに(2010.02.15)
- ニコニコ生放送で「ねこどこ」を(2010.01.25)