Nyanko of Zoshigaya (The Grave Keeper Cats Song)
Listen carefully, so you will hear
They are chanting Nya-mu Amida Buddha
Nothing ever goes the way you want in this life
Then at least have a peaceful time in afterlife
I am a cat
I am a grave keeper cat of Zoshigaya.
In the morning, in the evening, we go for a watch
All of us cats, make the rounds
The graves with visitors, they look joyous
The graves without, they look a little lonely
I am a cat
I do have a name but it's a secret
At night in the graveyard, it's like a festival
Nyan-ya Kan-ya A lot of excitement
Is that light a spirit of a dead person?
Is this light a spirit of a dead cat?
I am a cat
Cranes live 1,000 years, cats live 10 years
Nyanko of Zoshigaya (The Grave Keeper Cats Song)
ねこどこ(寝子何処) ーまとめー
ニャトランティスが呼んでいる(猫対睡魔) ーまとめー
半音なんてこわくにゃい(半音上等) ーまとめー
にゃんだふるわーるど(般猫心経) ーまとめー
潮来のニャンコ節(潮来猫節) ーまとめー
杜の都のニャンコ節(杜都猫節) ーまとめー
| 固定リンク
- 雑司ヶ谷のニャンコ節(写真版MV)、2500到達(2017.03.23)
- 【全60曲】VOCALOID猫曲 サビメドレー!【2007-2016年】(2017.02.25)
- 雑司ヶ谷のニャンコ節、5000回到達(2017.01.21)
- 雑司ヶ谷のニャンコ節、再生数2500到達(2016.11.26)
- 雑司ヶ谷オンマイマインド(2014.04.18)